Tika Bikashvili

Meet Tika Bikashvili
navigating the realms
of fashion and self-care
with style and grace.
Elegance meets
self-care expertise.

Tika Bikashvili

Meet Tika Bikashvili
navigating the realms
of fashion and self-care
with style and grace.
Elegance meets
self-care expertise.

We generate new and innovative ideas that solve the problemsof the mundane life. All is done and researched with consistency in mind,starting from product to launch.We generate new and innovative ideas that solve the problemsof the mundane life. All is done and researched with consistency in mind,starting from product to launch.
We generate new and innovative ideas that solve the problemsof the mundane life. All is done and researched with consistency in mind,starting from product to launch.

Additional information

Follower Count :

40K – 50K

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